Tips & Articles

Good Circulation and Posture Tips For Leg Comfort

Survival tips for comfortable legs

Good blood circulation and leg posture is essential to maintaining leg comfort, support and health when standing or sitting for long hours.

Prolonged static sitting

Careers involving prolonged sitting include office workers, drivers, pilots, students, crane operators, tailors, assembly line workers, and those working at service desks, laboratories, call centres and control rooms.

VenaVine - Survival tips for comfortable legsGood circulation and posture tips for leg comfortTips
  • Stand up every hour for 20-30 minutes to move around and stretch your legs.
  • Keep your feet rested flat on the solid surface, with weight taken evenly through both feet.
  • If your feet do not reach the floor, you should place them on a footrest or a recliner.
  • Avoid sitting in all sorts of unnatural positions such as figure 4 lock, ‘W’ or ‘Z’ sit, butterfly, reclined knees, kneeling, squatting, side-saddle.
  • Avoid crossing your legs. Ankles should stay in front of the knees, or at least on the same line.
  • Do not glue the back of your knees to your chair. Your legs should extend slightly beyond your chair.
  • Take supplements like red vine (thanks to its concentration of antioxidants such as flavonoids, polyphenols and anthocyanin’s) which help improve circulation, protect the walls of your veins and blood vessels from damage and keep them from becoming stiff.
  • Combine with exercise, hydration, not smoking, weight and stress management to promote healthy blood flow
VenaVine - Extended standingGood circulation and posture tips for leg comfortTips

Extended standing

Jobs that require prolonged and frequent standing include healthcare workers, teachers, bank tellers, hairdressers, retail staff, bartenders, salesforce, security guards, construction workers, machine operators, and factory workers.

  • Work in an active manner and regularly change position between standing, walking and sitting.
  • Feet should rest flat on a solid surface, hip-distance apart or at shoulder width.
  • Keep your body weight evenly distributed on either heels or both balls of your feet.
  • Do not lock your knees to reduce stress on your joints. Make sure your knees are slightly bent.
  • Avoid standing still in unnatural positions such as tiptoe, stride, ballet dance position and standing leg-cross.
  • Improve blood flow via red vine supplements, diet, weight management, fluid intake and massage.

Finding comfortable shoes to wear

The right footwear supports your weight, offers maximum comfort, balance, stability, shock absorption, overall body alignment from the bottom up as well as adjustability to suit your specific foot shape and fit for purpose or need (stilettos, pumps, sandals, slippers, boots, loafers, flats, mules, trainers and sneakers)

VenaVine - Finding comfortable shoes to wearGood circulation and posture tips for leg comfortTips
  • Buy for functionality first, not style or fashion! Wearing the right 
  • shoe for the right activity is key.
  • Go for breathable, flexible and soft material such as soft leathers, suede, stretch, cotton, wool, nylon or knit.
  • Get the right size that is comfortable, fits well, and does not chafe or rub anywhere.
  • Have enough space in the toe box, which is the part that covers your toes. Pointed toes shoes reduce blood flow.
  • Choose shoes that provide proper arch support or follow the unique curvature of your feet, cushioning and alignment.
  • Cater for problem areas with your feet and ankles like bunions, corns or ingrown toenails.