Tips & Articles

Leg Circulation And Wellness In The Workplace

The first week of July is Corporate Wellness Week, dedicated to raising awareness about maintaining a healthy working environment. Given that many of us spend long hours at our place of work, it stands to reason that this is a good time for us to reflect on and take action to encourage healthy leg circulation. Employers can provide relevant educational information to assist employees who can also spread the word.

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I spend most of my time working in a sitting or standing still position.

Work from home has become a reality for many people across the world. The sedentary lifestyles during working from home, prolonged immobility, or inactivity due to being deskbound, stuck in long meetings or even after a long travel journey, can pose significant risks to your health and leg circulation. Complaints of leg pain, stiffness, numbness & varicose veins are more common amongst those doing sedentary duties than those doing heavier tasks1.
VenaVine - venavine sitting at deskLeg Circulation And Wellness In The WorkplaceTips

Health tips:

Simple movements and stretches at regular intervals can help to improve blood flow, allowing for healthy self-care habits during stationary, sedentary, inactive or immobility periods.

  • Take a regular break by moving or walking for toilets or drinking water is recommended
  • Using built-in foot rails or portable footrests will allow you some more stability and uplift as well as shift body weight2
  • Slightly lift the leg up and rotate the ankles slowly clockwise 10 times. Again, anticlockwise 10 times, alternately
  • Raise your forefoot up while the sole remains touching the floor and hold for 5 seconds. After that, slowly point the toes toward the floor. Lift the sole up, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times for each foot
  • Massage your leg and feet using Venavine® Intensive cream and feel the difference
VenaVine - venavine on feet all dayLeg Circulation And Wellness In The WorkplaceTips

I work on my feet all day.

Leg pain, stiffness, numbness often develops due to poor blood flow and muscle strain resulting from inadequate flexibility training, overuse or overstretching, and not warming up before strenuous activity like running errands, shopping, squatting to pack or lift heavy items. Healthcare professionals, retail workers, salesforce, chefs, educators and athletes can all relate.

Health tips:

The delivery of healthy blood, oxygen and nutrients to the legs, which are the farthest away from the heart is hard work, so anything that can help to ease the traffic congestion is good.

  • Add Venavine® capsules into your daily leg-care routine
  • A pampering leg soak, followed by a relaxing massage after work using Venavine® Intensive cream does wonders to stimulate nerve points, increase blood flow, and release tension
  • Resting while keeping your legs elevated above your heart for at least 15 minutes, three times a day takes the pressure off and gives your heart and veins a break
  • Compression therapy helps prevent blood and fluid from pooling or building up in your legs.

I work in stilettos everyday as part of my workplace dress code.

High heels or stilettos are still widely seen as the most professional, attractive or fashionable dress style in many lines of work ranging from airlines, investment banks, courtrooms, and modelling. Prolonged and repetitive standing on tip toes can lead to potential problems such as restricting blood flow or shortening of the calf muscles.

VenaVine - venavine flight attendant uniformLeg Circulation And Wellness In The WorkplaceTips

Helpful tips

If wearing high heels is an unavoidable part of your life, aim to choose shoes which will cause the least damage:

  • Go for wedge shoes or a platform sole which will reduce the angle between the heel and the ball of the foot, and evenly distribute your weight across the whole foot
  • During breaks switch between flats and heels to give your feet a chance to recover
  • Stretch your feet, focusing on bending your toes, flexing your achilles tendon, and massaging your calf muscles with Venavine® Intensive cream to feel the difference.
  • Add foam padding anywhere the shoe rubs against your foot and opt for cushioned insoles to ease pressure on the forefoot.
  • Add Venavine® capsules into your daily leg-care routine
  • A pampering leg soak, followed by a relaxing massage after work using Venavine® Intensive cream helps to increase blood flow and release tension off pressure points

View Venavine® Range

Venavine® Capsules can assist to promote healthy circulation to offer relief for tired, achy, painful, and heavy legs.  Massaging with Venavine® Intensive Cream can assist to provide instant on the spot, cooling relief.


  1. Working in a Sitting Position. 2022 Sept 28. [Cited 2023 Jul 3]. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.
    Available from:

  2. Working in a Standing Position. 2022 Nov 30. [Cited 2023 Jul 3]. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety.
    Available from: